Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley





P.O. Box 70.

Vancouver. B.C.



January 23rd 1918.E.V.



My Beloved Father,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


You know how interested I have always been in the study of Names etc. I noticed in the local papers to-day, the name of one Garabed T.K. Giaragossian, who appears to be connected with some new invention which he has put before the American Congress. The name is rather a puzzle to me and I thought you might be able to throw some light on the matter.


I have no news in particular. I think it possible that some little advancement at the office may come out of the letter I sent them, but shall not go ahead very much further with my main plan there for a week or so until I find out more definitely how things are, and whether my services might not be more useful to some other big Company.


I shall hope to get a line from you soon, as at present no news is to hand.


Love is the law, love under will.


Thy son,


