Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley





Post Office Box 70

Vancouver. B.C.



March 15th 1918 E.V.



My Beloved Father,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Many thanks for yours of 8th inst. duly to hand. I have had no word of the Eight pounds, nor have I heard anything from Bro. Cowie [George MacNie Cowie] lately. You shall surely have same as soon as I receive it.


You will by now have had my other letter and be expecting me along. I have sold up, and am leaving the Office to-day, but the Immigration people say there is no chance of getting a reply from Ott[owa] before Monday 18th. This is rather a disappointment as I had hoped to leave here tomorrow so as to be with you on 21st. However it is quite unavoidable so may be for the best. It will give me a little more time to settle a few matters that need attention. I shall take a room with the friends R.S.J. [Rubina Stansfeld Jones] means to stay with in the meanwhile. Of course if I get an unfavourable reply I shall be in the happy position of making a fresh start in the world, but I will not doubt the result, They seem to have fitted everything in very well so far and I have no doubt They will arrange things all right. I shall let you know definitely as soon as possible.


That must be some book you're writing for me. I look forward eagerly to reading it, and very much appreciate the honour.


I saw Lazenby [Charles Lazenby] last Sunday, he is much upset and annoyed with me because he wired P.Loma and says there is no record of Tingley's death. He thought I'd been getting things on the astral.


With Equinoctial Greetings and hoping to be with you soon.


Love is the law, love under will.


Thy son.


