Correspondence from George MacNie Cowie to Aleister Crowley
14 Glenisla Gardens, Edinburgh.
11 Apr 18.
Do etc.
Excuse pencil I haven't time to write a proper letter. This is only to enclose Lamb's reply which I leave to speak for itself. The sale of the house [Boleskine] will I think now come off. Mention any articles you attach special value to by return. What the people don't wish to take over at valuation could be sold. Just now is a good time.
I have managed to write to S.J. [Charles Stansfeld Jones] though this week. It is part of the cruel position of things that as I cannot write much about my own and other people's affairs and you don't understand what you have been doing to me, or how near collapsing I often am. There was a bad set-back for me the other day (business) and I know it was due to my failing eyesight—(just age). And what I said about landing in an asylum is no mere metaphor. Meanwhile I have just time to get this posted.
Love etc.
G. M. Cowie.