Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Wilfred Talbot Smith
[11 April 1918]
Therefore, for your encouragement, and also as a definite practice and experiment, you should do as follows. Purchase a half-pound can of ether, then, at week end, when you have time to get the smell of it out of your system during Sunday, make yourself quite comfortable on the bed. Lie on your side, or on stomach taking the cork in one hand and the can in the other. Proceed to inhale quite freely and without any fear whatever, and keep on doing so till you get results. Results continue as long as you keep inhaling, and stop almost immediately you leave off. I was all wrong about taking a few little sniffs. You may find it takes two hours to get complete results, and uses up half a can. I continued for that time with no ill results after. You will find different layers of the mind are made conscious during the process, in a most interesting way. Make a very careful record of the whole thing and send it to me for comment. Do not do any further practices till you hear again, and don't experiment on anyone else for the moment. You will find that you cannot get too much into your lungs, and after a certain stage you may breathe it out through the mouth, as you get used to it. You need have no fear of falling asleep, as it seems to be generally agreed that should you do so, you will subconsciously replace the cork in the can.