Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Frank Bennett




c/o Thos Cook and Son.

245 Broadway, New York.



Sun in Leo.

[Between 23 July and 23 August 1918]



Very Illustrious Brother Sir Frank Bennett VII O.T.O.

Viceroy of Baphomet in Australia


Very Illustrious Sir Knight and Very Dear Brother,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I have had the pleasure of a couple of letters from your esteemed Grand Secretary General telling of the excellent work that has been done in your Valley, but it is some time since I had any news from you personally. I trust all is well with you and your, and take this opportunity of sending you my brotherly greetings.


You have doubtless heard of the indisposition of our beloved Brother Cowie [George MacNie Cowie] who seems to have suffered a rather severe nervous break-down, necessitating a period of complete rest, but from which we truly hope will soon recover. In the meanwhile, as the enclosed paper will inform you, it has been found necessary to leave his work in my hands, so it will be in order to communicate with me on any matters regarding the financial affairs of the Order. There was, by the way, a matter of some Eight Pounds Sterling, for books, etc. which was to have been forwarded to me while in Vancouver, but which is not yet to hand. I suppose you have had considerable difficulty in changing the name on the Money Order, which has doubtless been the cause of the delays, but things being so uncertain in these days, I have thought well to mention the matter, lest the money had gone astray and you be wondering at me for not sending a receipt.


I am also enclosing an open letter to all the Brethren under Your jurisdiction which I shall be glad if you will have copied and distributed. As explained therein, I thought it a good plan to get all the B[lessed]. B[rethren]. Who so desired, to send in a personal communication to G[rand]. L[odge]. So as to create a closer feeling of Brotherhood and interest all round, without interfering in any way with the usual running of the Lodge. My appointment as DGMG [Deputy Grand Master General] seemed to offer a favourable opportunity for this.


In any case, I will ask you to instruct your Grand Sec/Gen to prepare a complete list of the Names and Addresses of Bb. Under your charge, and to forward same together with the Report of your Grand Treasurer General on the financial situation in Australia, so that I may be in a position to carry out my various duties properly. It is rather difficult for me to take up the duties of Bro. Cowie etc. and at the same time refrain from worrying him with questions on these matters.


I should also be glad to have copies of any addressed or lectures you may give to the public or the Brethren from time to time, because I really do want to keep in close personal touch with all the affairs of the Order in every land and every detail of your work whether truly Occult or merely in connection with the necessary business affairs of the Lodge, is of the greatest interest to me and I am prepared to devote some time as is possible to the consideration of these matters.


This question of the publication of The Equinox—mentioned in the open letter—is most important.


Please use every endeavour to make things a success.


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours in the Bonds of the Order,


[Elevenfold Cross] C. Stansfeld Jones O.T.O.

Dep/Grand Master Gen'l and G.T.G.


