Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Frank Bennett




c/o Messrs Thos Cook & Son.

245 Broadway, New York.


August 27th 1918 E.V.






Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I, Parzival, a Brother of the AA have a confession to make unto you.


I have striven hard in this incarnation to become a worthy instrument for the good of Humanity, and I believe that my True Purpose is to Prove this great New Law which has been given to the World through the Master Therion, and it is my endeavour to become a living example of the same.


We are told "The Law is for all" and I want to feel quite free to do just what I feel is right as the Light from Within and Above is given unto me.


As you know, I have been greatly honoured in this Ordo Templi Orientis: in my last epistle I told you of this and offered you my help if you so desired. This offer still holds good at any time, and whether it be yourselves or your friends without the Order, that help will be given freely while I have the strength to serve you. But for myself, I prefer to give back these honours that have been showered upon me, leaving the Official Position open for those who truly desire them, and to sever my connection with the Order, as such, by enlarging my view of it to embrace the whole of Humanity as my Brothers and Sisters.


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours fraternally,




C. Stansfeld Jones.


