Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
c/o Messrs Thos Cook and son. 245 Broadway. New York.
August 27th 1918 E.V.
Care Frater
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I have been giving all things in connection with the O.T.O. my most serious and best consideration from the highest stand-point of which I am capable, and have arrived at the following decisions:—
re A∴A∴ I reserve my absolute Freedom to act as the True Light is given unto me.
re. O.T.O. I feel that this Order might have been of value for the Freeing of Humanity under the New Law, as a business concern, it fails to interest me in any way. I have to admit that certain suggestions you have made have every appearance of an intention on your part to make use of the Order for private and personal ends, and this is very distasteful to me. I feel that I cannot continue further along these lines without going against my True Will and I therefore entirely sever my connection with the Order both in my Official capacity of Deputy G.M.G., Grand Treasurer General and Viceroy of Canada, and as a private member of the Order. I am notifying the Brethren of this fact, and enclose a copy of the letter.
As requested in your letter, I enclose herewith the schedule of Equinox III.
In regard to the matter mentioned which is giving you the greatest concern, I have personally packed all your belongings and placed them under lock and key. The Manhattan Storage Co informs me that they have no space to let at present, but on receipt of your instructions I will forward them to any other safe depository you suggest.
It seems equally impossible to me to make further use of my private apartment for business purposes, another time you will doubtlessly have more time, and arrange for a meeting elsewhere, if necessary.
I generally find it more convenient for my mail to be sent c/o Messers Thos Cook and Son, as I no longer live at 64s West 9th Street.
Love is the law, love under will.
V.I.O.O.I.V. C. Stansfeld Jones