Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
Sept 26th 1918 E.V.
To The Master ΘΗΡΙΟΝ 9º=2o A∴A∴
Care Frater
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
You were right when you said—on the 21st inst.—that you thought some further stage of the Initiation was about to be presented to me, for, on the 22nd, I certainly did obtain a great deal of clarification of my previous experiences. It seems to have taken just another nine months for the secret formulas of Becoming and of Being to filter through into my understanding. Now I have got into my head what may appear to you to be a very foolish idea, yet it is one which cannot altogether be denied or affirmed. Viz—that certain experiences I have gone through constitute me—unofficially at any rate—a 10º=1o. Also—as far as I know—there is no one living who claims that grade officially—so that even were I to do so—to you—it would be a matter which concerns God alone.
My object in writing this is simply to establish a record of this idea in the annuls of the Order, and it does not make any difference—as far as I can see to my continuance of the work of 8º=3o.
I base the possibility of this claim being entirely justified on the following grounds—
(1) by original aspiration as expressed in Probationers Motto which later proved to 777. (2) by aspiration as Neophyte, expressed in the Motto . (3) by aspiration in O.T.O. and as 5º=6o, expressed in Parzival. (4) That I have obtained a conscious fulfillment of those Mottos. (5) That I have obtained a certain formula which explains the Mysteries of the Qabalistic System perfectly. (6) That what I now understand, was first directly experienced. (7) That this formula is so perfectly simple and natural, that it requires neither Wisdom nor Understanding for its use. (8) That it appears to fulfill in itself the Mystery of Ipsissimus as stated in Liber B. (9) That it is of such a nature that it obviously and quite clearly came 'Before' the Word, yet is one with it. (10) There is an extraordinary connection [illegible] between it and the Word given out by ΘΗΡΙΟΝ. (11) That one cannot get away from it as long as one lives whether on knows it or not.
I think the Eleven statements should be enough, and I don't intend to say any more at this time; but I do ask you to give this matter your very serious consideration, and to let me know what you really think in your heart, for whatever you say can make no difference to my actual experience, and that can only be translated as it is much clear, over more, to my conscious mind, but it does seem to be important that the Current should be flowing freely in the proper channels. Therefore if you consider there is a possibility of my being correct in my claims—which by the way, I have no intention of making openly at this time—I want you to say so, if not, there is no harm done, and anyway you may be able to point out where I am wrong in such a supposition, and also possibly you could give me your idea of what constitutes the proof of the grade.
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours fraternally,
O.I.V.V.I.O. —777—