Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Mr. Acland
Mr Acland, Editorial Department E.P. Dutton & Co.
[Undated: circa 1919?]
Dear Sir.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I should like to call your attention to the 13 page supplement of the Equinox of which I sent you a complementary copy. In reference to the review "From the Watch Tower" the Voice of the Silence is the only theosophical publication of the slightest literary distinction or even of occult merit. This new edition is far more valuable to students than any previously published because the meaning of the treatise is for the first time made plain by the Commentary of Frater O.M. No theosophist can afford to miss buying a copy.
I own the copy right of this edition and the type is actually standing at the de Vinne Press. It therefore appears to me a very advantageous moment to get out an edition at 60 or 75 cents. Properly advertised by a firm with your energy and resources I have little doubt that the sales would run into five figures. Perhaps you will be good enough to let me know your views.
Love is the law, love under will.