Correspondence from Madeleine Elise Reynier Boyd to Montgomery Evans





131 East 19th St.

N. Y. City.



January 30 19.



Dear Mr. Evans,


I have the manuscript of Mr. Aleister Crowley which I have offered to several publishers without any success. My one last hope has failed and I was going to send it back by a friend to Mr. Bradley, who is indeed the agent of Mr. Crowley.


Of course, I am willing to hand the manuscript over to you, but I shall expect a receipt as I am not quite sure that I have the right to give it to somebody else without Mr. Bradley's permission.


I wish you would tell Mr. Crowley from me that the publication in the Hearst papers some two years ago by one of his friends is partially the cause of refusal from the pack of the publishers who had been interested in giving up the idea of doing anything about it.


Mr. Crowley is not Boni de Castellane! The manuscript requires tremendous revision which would be very costly.


However, if you'd like to have a try, I am quite willing to hand it over to you, but you'll please return the manuscript to Mr. Bradley.


I could drop in one day this week in your bookshop to talk the matter over.


Sincerely yours,


Madeleine Boyd


