Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
57 Grand River Avenue, Detroit, Mich.
Feb. 24, 1919
My Beloved Father:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I have really been too rushed to have a chance to answer your letters of 19th and 20th inst., but I've got a minute this morning and will try and get up to date.
I have not had an opportunity of talking with the 33rd in private, he is going to Chicago for a few days, and I shall arrange the matter as soon as possible. It needs some care, though I feel that they are quite sympathetic and much may be done.
I think the question of fees and subscriptions for higher degrees, as regards those who go through the Initiations in the regular way, could wait for the moment, although I believe it is usual that VIIths and higher pay directly to Grand Lodge. In the case of affiliations however, to VI and VII, I should suggest that 50% of their Fees and Subs be used towards getting things going here, and the other 50% go to Grand Lodge in proportions of one third and two thirds as per suggestion re lower degrees. You may however make some better suggestion, I haven't given it very careful thought.
Re G[ibson]. It seems there was some little dispute because he wanted to take a larger share of stock than was coming to him fairly, so, being Treas[urer], he cleaned out the banking account and disappeared. It is thought he was a Jesuit who was secretly working against the movement. Anyway, I have this only on hearsay.
I'll be very careful of what I say, in fact I must be. You have no idea what a lot of S.[ex] Q.[uestion] there is about here, copies of Heavenly Bridegrooms etc., floating round, and matters discussed in the rashest manner.
Your next letter. I should request notes falling due on the various dates. R. [Albert W. Ryerson] said he was prepared to do this, I understood. I haven't mentioned your letter to me of course, so drop a line to that effect. I really think things are all right, these people owe quite a bit of money, but the business is steadily growing, and they do a big cash trade. R. is quite a sport, as far as backing your teachings etc., goes, the only thing that worries him a little is whether the opposition will be so great as to smash his business by boycotting etc.
I'll consider 888 [Gospel According to St. Bernard Shaw] matter etc., and write you further. MSS came to hand safely. Many thanks from Dede [Deirdre Stansfeld Jones] for the books, she will write you.
This is a terrible strain at present. Rushed from morning to night, talk about overtime a P.S.C. it was nothing to this. But I've got to get the system straightened out, and I'm going to do it. Then all will be well.
I must quit now.
Love is the law, love under will.
Ever Fraternally,