Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones





63 [Washington Square, New York City]



March 4. [1919]



My beloved son,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


I've gone through the 888 [Gospel According to St. Bernard Shaw]. I think it had better stay much as it is. The main thing, from a business point of view, is to draw Shaw. If we can get a long reply from him—and he knows about 'It pays to advertise'—we are on the map as far as literary Big Time goes.


This is not to say that I am particularly satisfied with the book; it seems rather disjointed. But I think this will be all right when the long quotes are seen in small type. Your 145 had the same disadvantage when it was in typescript. It looks perfectly all right now.


I may, however, try what can be done by grouping the different sections under main headings. At present I am pitifully tired by a combination of absinthe, overwork, and dead soul. Seabrook [William Seabrook] is taking compassion, and leading me and Léa [Leah Hirsig] to a show to-night.


Love is the law, love under will.


Thy sire,




