Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones
63. [Washington Square, New York City]
March 7. [1919]
My beloved son:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Yours of March 4.
First, do let me urge you to let Rubina [Rubina Stansfeld Jones] take a job. An extra $100,00 a month would solve your economic trouble, and enable you to taste comfort without worry. This will decuple your capacity, and remove that gloomy feeling. I think it was this relief, momentary though it was, on the Island, which made you such a different man on that occasion. I know too well how it is myself. If I am worried about money beyond a certain point, my power to work goes to hell, and my point of view gets poxed. Also, for the Work's sake. All idle women make trouble. Housekeeping isn't work. There is time to gossip. You will have another Vancouver unless she is on the job all day, and too tired to raise hell in the evenings. She needs lovers, no doubt; but let them be in a totally non-occult set. Don't let things get mixed.
I am saying this with the greatest earnestness, because I foresee.
Remember what we agreed about keeping the men and women apart up to the Fifth. I enclose forms. In affiliating, affix stigma thoroughly; sulphuric acid on the left wrist just outside the big vein; a small spot, but deeply bitten into the skin.
I will issue a new form for Minerval to P.I. Talk to Ryerson [Albert W. Ryerson] about that write up in the World;[1] remark that I got the respect of the reporter on my Saville Row clothes, etc. Point out what a business asset it is.
Very privately, Ryerson wrote me about capital. I am working on that problem. But keep your eyes skinned for the r[ich] m[an] from the W[est]. We want a lump sum of about $100,000.00. There must be a regular training college for the technique. There must be a Temple for the Gnostic Mass. You ought to be able to start this, pretty soon.
You should not worry about money, by the way. Those commissions ought to be a good deal of help. You never answered my letter about the Ouija Board, did you? Did you get it? That should go through at once, of course. I'm in a bit of a hole till March 21, unless it rains larks. Watch in Johannisberger '74 again, and so on.
I think Ryerson should spend his $500 on Book 4 [Part I & Part II], if it is a choice between that and straight advertising. The latter is money lost, even if it pays; it comes out of the profits. Book 4, too, is the means appointed by Abuldiz for us to put things over. You know as well as I that the Brothers are better business men than anybody. I can trace every setback we have had to the idiocy of thinking They are not holding down Their job properly.
You can of course have 6 Eq[uino]x.
I am a very proud father to think my baby boy is doing so well with lectures. Only sit very tight about that Fourth Power in all its meanings.
I'll get a Masculine Cross,[2] if I can. Will you try to find me a Mead's Pistis Sophis?[3] I should have a charge account with U[niversal] B[ook] S[tores], I think; save sending cash to and fro.
Love to everybody from Dede [Deirdre Stansfeld Jones] down.
Love is the law, love under will.
Thy sire,
1—[Harry Kemp's (1883-1960) article "Weird Rites of Devil Worshippers Revealed by an Eye Witness," appeared in the August 2, 1914, New York World Sunday magazine.] 2—[Rocco, Sha. 1874. The Masculine Cross and Ancient Sex Worship. N.Y.: A.K. Butts.] 3—[Mead, G.R.S. 1896. PistisSophis: A Gnostic Gospel. London: Theosophical Publishing Society.]