Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley





57 Grand River Avenue,

Detroit, Mich.



March 10, 1919 E.V.



My Beloved Father:


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I have just received yours enclosing the Vth Pledge Forms and cover design for Eqx [Equinox Vol III No. I]. I notice that be concentrating the gaze on the Eye and Triangle, one gets a very living effect after a few moments, the complementary green, coming and going in flashes on the blue background, in a very effective manner.


I rather wish R. [Rubina Stansfeld Jones] had a job, and it may well be that she will get one: she would have been willing to work for A.W.R. [Albert W. Ryerson] if he had offered her a fair deal, but he cannot afford to pay me what I'm worth to him, and there's no reason why another should slave for nothing. I brought in business showing a profit of over $670 last week, so that besides getting my services in all directions for nothing he made more than my salary into the bargain. Never mind, that all will work out O.K. in the long run.


Frank Lodge [Frank T. Lodge], 33˚, is seriously interested in the O.T.O. and is willing to affiliate, and to form a Supreme Council of Three with you and myself. That will take care of the Sevenths for the moment. The 32nds have agreed to this (A.W.R. was not present and they will not stand for him in a position of much authority) but four or five will affiliate to VI, leaving themselves in the hands of the Supreme Council. This seems very satisfactory, and I think all will go well. I'll communicate again later. They should perhaps form part of the Senate of Eleven. They are all occultists of some years study, and much interested.


I have been going into the matter of the Gnostic Catholic Church, and I think that by getting five persons together to sign a form of incorporation, we can get a paper in to the State whish will enable them to elect me—for instance—as a regular priest with full powers to ordain, and administer the sacraments etc., for the next twenty years. If we can put this over before the Ritual is published, and hang on to the charter till we need it, it may be very useful to have the Authority from the State when we start public Mass [Gnostic Mass]. I think this may come through all right.


Am taking up matter of Ouija Board with Ryerson.


I had a letter from Cowie [George MacNie Cowie] today, he was rather brief and evidently still peeved.


(March 11th 1919) Had to break off yesterday. Cowie enclosed a note from O.H.O. [Theodor Reuss] saying things were going pretty well in Switzerland and asking for a report. He had not answered same. Letter also says books by Baphomet always in demand. Shall we communicate?


Meeting last night quite a success, more people, and all seem interested. I'll soon get the Hall full.


Yesterday I was 'guided' to a little apartment that I think will suit us and solve some difficulties. Number I found afterwards is 11 and Street number 91. Should be O.K.


I'll write again soon.


Love to all.


Love is the law, love under will.


Thy son.


