Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones
63 Washington Sq. S.
March 13, 1919.
My beloved Son,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Judge how dead I am. I ought to have answered yours of March 10 at once. Rubina [Rubina Stansfeld Jones] should have a job with anybody not the U[niversal] B[ook] S[tores]. Don't worry about salary or commission. Practice Liber III—never to think of any thing less than $100.
Affiliate Lode but rub it in to him that even our eighth degree wipes its arse with the thirty-third. As you and I need toilet paper, they can give us or sell us their dirty sheep skin. In any case explain that they must take the sixth degree fully. I am going to recast everything above the fifth degree and take charge of it personally. You will have all you can do to keep things going up to the fifth. The sixth is important because of Rome and the League of Nations.
About the Gnostic Church you can't elect a priest. Is God a son of a bitch? I am ordained priest and consecrated Bishop and Arch bishop by the laying on of hands. Nothing else is valid. There is nothing about 20 years—you don't seem to know what a priest is. You had better find out what the State requires and then ask me for letters of ordination. I have really no idea of the civil law in cannibal countries. You should sell 600 copies of Equinox to O.H.O. [Theodor Reuss] who claims to have that number of members. Don't try to deal with him except as my representative—very plainly stated, otherwise he is likely to seize the opportunity to remark "Jesus, I know, and Paul I know, but who are ye?"
Love is the law, love under will.
Thy sire, somewhere in pralaya.
P.S.—I think it might be a good thing for me to come up for a day or two in about a month's time. After that I'll be in a G[reat] R[etirement] (Please Teh!) in Ecuador or some decent place.
P.P.S.—Last November Mathers [MacGregor Mathers] died.