Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones






63 Washington Sq.

New York City




Telephone Spring 5672



March 14 [1919]



My beloved Son,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Please tell Ryerson [Albert W. Ryerson] that Choronzon (unto whom be restriction in the Name of Our Lady BABALON!) was the first printer. Although the whole of the illustrations were passed for press over a month ago, they have not pulled them. This holds up DeVinne on the printing job. However, I have got a definite promise from the head of the firm, a decent borderer, that you shall have 50 copies [of Equinox Vol. 3 No. 1] by the 21st A.M. This will be all right; if they are sold out, so much the better from the publicity point of view. Say you have ordered a new imprint, and copies will follow in a few days. In fact, you ought to get the rest of the order by Tuesday following at latest.


I notice that in all your letters various things turn up which represent R[yerson] as rather an inferior. It is well, from your point of view. I am sure I can trust you to find out who are the people who really count. There seems something of the English spirit in Detroit. I wish you would let me have pretty full details of everybody of any importance you may meet. You say nothing of any women; is Detroit Heaven?


(Interval to get yours of 12th.) Very glad of what it says. My point about superior position towards us. Therefore, although we know that 33rds are turds (The Poet revives!) we have to have their diplomas before we can treat with them. It won't do to be in the position of taking their money. Let them take ours.


You might send me some of the stamped paper. I am getting short. I would send you my phoenix robes, but I doubt if they would fit. Surely R.S.J. [Rubina Stansfeld Jones] could make one up. There is no prescribed pattern; the point was to have the breast bare. You can hardly do this with a single robe, or you look like a whore in evening dress. With your nose—no!


The Equinox will be celebrated here in due form. Expect the Word [of the Equinox] on Saturday, and communicate same as before.


I wish to observe paternally that I am pleased with your general state of mind.


This financial question of U[niversal] B[ook] S[tores] seems to be rather in the forefront of it, though R[yerson] said that he would be able to get a certain amount of new capital. I think you should urge people to make sacrifices, if you get an opportunity; the thing ought to be done well, so as to go big for the next two years at least without further nursing. It strikes me that what they most need is a store in N.Y. If they will fix this, I will agree to decorate the store in such a way that every fool in the city will haunt it. Do reflect upon my capacity for publicity, and use it to the full. LXXI [Voice of the Silence], properly worked, ought to draw Lazenby [Charles Lazenby].


Mathers' [MacGregor Mathers] death makes a good deal of difference, like the Armistice. It removes any support from Cremers [Vittoria Cremers]. Berridge [Edward Berridge] does not matter; perhaps he is dead too; he always was. In any case, there is a vague menace withdrawn; we can say with the Yi, 'The little gone and the great come'; we are free to fight A. B. [Annie Besant] and the Papists. The Protestants have committed suicide, if only by trying to agree to stop fighting. One good push, and everybody will be rushing to accept the Law, which offers a Flag to dye with blood.


If you should think it advisable for me to pass through Detroit, in a month or so, as suggested in my last, it must be carefully stage-managed. The Fourth power of the Sphinx must be the great asset. It might be a good thing to have me address a selected group; if so, make them fight for invitations. It is just possible that I ought to make a public statement; this only in case of a really big row starting over LXXI, as I hope fondly, Remember that I, as E.I.Z., was H.P.B.'s [Helena Petrovna Blavatsky] Guru. Much more than K[oot]. H[oomi].,or even Morya. I'll tell you one day, when you have been a particularly good boy, the terrible truth about those Himogs [Holy Illuminated Man of God].


 am painting a Tibetan Map of the World. I don't see why U.S.B. shouldn't run some truly mystic paintings, including Kennedy's [Leon Engers Kennedy]. There ought to be a lot of rich picture-fanciers among the customers. [hand written note: "40% is worth having on $2,000.00]


Get R[yerson], by the way, to answer my letters fully and conscientiously, same way I answer yours, oh my beloved son!


     Love is the law, love under will.


Thy sire,




