Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Roddie Minor
57 Grand River Ave. Detroit, Michigan.
March 17th 1919 E.V.
My Dear Sister Roddie,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I have just received the money I expected from England, and hasten to return the Twenty-five Dollars you were good enough to lend me on leaving. Let me once more express my thanks to you for your kindness, the fact of having this little extra bit of money made things possible when I arrived here, and I might say saved our lives, so to speak.
I should very much like to get a line from you saying how things are in New York. We have had one constant rush on all planes since we came here. I haven't had a moment to write to anyone, and to-night I'm just going to rush home, and then on to a lecture.
I think Rubina [Rubina Stansfeld Jones] gave you some of the news, anyway I'll write again soon, and I am sure she will too.
With every good wish, and best love.
Love is the law, love under will.
Your Brother,