Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones
63 [Washington Square]
1. 4. 19. E.V.
My beloved son, in whom I am bloody well pleased,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
You've made the link all right; I have no doubt that this is a magical attack. I immediately performed an operation for the Protection of our Circle. I've had constant troubles of this kind, as you know; it's, a splendid sign, especially as you, the centre of the whole show, are not reached by the blows. However, be vigilant. R. [Albert W. Ryerson] must learn to protect himself by usual things; but most of all by the Magical Oath. (This type of Magick should appeal, and apply, to you.) At this particular juncture the best way to lay hold hard upon Force and Fire is to take a great Oath to spread the Law. I find the attack (by our Rota) to come firstly from 7 of Swords, the flabby type of occultist, backed by 5 of Swords, Theosophy, and the Hanged Man, the Dying God crowd. Business interests are mixed up in this; 6 of P. and 10 of P.
I am inclined to propose that you should prepare a formula, to be presented at your lectures, by which any person can publicly renounce the errors of Christianity and so on, and accept the Law. Such a person should at that time burn a copy of his old 'sacred book', Bible, Mrs. [Mary Baker] Eddy, or what not, and be marked by you with The Mark of The Beast, to wit, the Acid on the Pulse of the Left Wrist. If you do this, you will get publicity worth countless moidores, pieces of eight, and rose nobles. You will get regular newspapers to attack you, perhaps to clamour for prosecution, and we shall have to reprint The Equinox.
I have been talking to quite a number of people who may be very important very soon. The spirit of revolution is tremendously strong. Little old Blackwell—a straw to show which way the wind blows—would hang Wilson with his own hands. You have got to emphasize the cosmic purport of the Law. Tell the Bolshevits that they can do nothing until Christianity gets its quietus, and the anti-Bolshevits that the O.T.O. is the only alternative. I think you might get some quite useful support from Rome; therefore I should not burn their Isis-Horus images, or even their Osiris images, but explain what they are. Osiris dead and rearisen is a perfectly good symbol of the Life-Death curve; the error is in representing Death as leading to a final Life, instead of being merely one point in an infinite series.
It seems to me absolutely vital that we should get on to this Was. It's too bad that 'everybody seems to like it' as you callously inform me—after all the pains I took with the MSS., too!
Now get busy on this tying 'em down with the Oath; I'm sure that is the way to get real action. The danger of all new movements is the flash in the pan.
Love is the law, love under will.
Thy Sire,
P.S. Please be very particular to give my love to dear Dede [Deirdre Stansfeld Jones].