Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Theodor Reuss





c/o 57 Grand River Avenue West.

Detroit. Michigan. U.S.A.



April 16th 1919 E.V.



To the Most Holy, Most Illuminated and Most Illustrious

Theodor Reuss-Willsson 33, 97, X. Sov. Grand Master O.T.O.

Casella Postale 19442. Basiles. (Switzerland)



Most Holy Father in the Lord,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


It has not previously been my honour to address you so I will explain that I am the Viceroy of His Most Sacred Majesty BAPHOMET and am helping him in the Work of the Order.


I am glad to inform you that there seems to be a great revival of interest in our Work, particularly since the Vernal Equinox which terminated the period of Silence prescribed by the AA


The new Volume of the Official Organ [Equinox Vol III No. 1] of the AA and O.T.O. in English-speaking Countries was published on March 22nd. and THE EQUINOX will now appear every six months for the next five years. A letter from you has come before me saying that there is a constant demand for books by Baphomet and this edition should be of the greatest interest to all you B[lessed] b[rethren]. The entire output has been taken over for distribution by the Universal Book Stores, 57 Grand River Avenue, Detroit. Michigan. U.S.A. and I am requesting them to send you a sample copy at once in order that you may let them know how many copies you wish reserved for your Bb. The edition is limited, but we hope to have enough to go round.


With fraternal greetings and every good wish,


Yours in the Bonds of the Order,


