Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Frank T. Lodge
Sanctuary of the Gnosis.
An, XV. Sol in Taurus April 22nd 1919 E.V.
V[ery] Ill[ustrious] Sir Frank T. Lodge. VII O.T.O. Lake Section of U.S.A.
Very Ill. Sir Knight and Dear Brother,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
It is my pleasure to inform you that the revised Ritual of the Degree of Minerval has been received from the Grand Master.
It would be well, I think, that a Meeting of the Grand Council be called at an early date to discuss the details of the establishment of an Oasis in this City of Detroit and arrange for the production of this Degree as soon as possible. Three sets of Officers should also be sworn in, one for Minerval, one for Degrees I to III and one for IV to P.I. These Degrees will be ready for inspection shortly.
May I ask you to arrange this matter at your convenience and that of your Officers.
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours in the Bonds of the Order.
Dep[uty] Nat[iona]l G[rand] M[aster] Gen[era]l O.T.O.