Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to C. F. Russell
[27 May 1919]
The main point is that your courage is greater than your discretion. Witness your little experiment at the hospital [Annapolis Naval Hospital]. It's the best fault a man can have but it certainly gets him into more hot water than most of the vilest vices. You are very young and I don't want to see you in a mess, as I have seen so many. I should like to see your [magical] record but not until Jones [Charles Stansfeld Jones] has commented upon it. I should like to be able to comment on his comments, thus killing two magicians with one memorandum. Tell Jones that that is my idea. . . . Incidentally, you are in a rather privileged position with regard to hearing things and it is perhaps no harm, in your case, but at your age you have not the experience to estimate such things with due balance. A person may state an opinion not because he holds it but because he wants to hear it discusses.