Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Jane Wolfe
63, Washington Square, New York City.
June 4. 1919
My dear Miss Wolfe,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Thank you so very much for your letter of May 29. I am glad to know of the 21st of March; but—in the strictest confidence—the hour and the year, please? Also the place. If you don't know the hour, two photographs, a profile and a full face, would help me to judge the rising sign, which is the most important thing in nativity.
I do not quite know who the Master referred to in your Montana work. Personally, I am very careful to avoid 'telling' anybody to do anything. A pretty good rule: if anybody kicks, there's talk of undue influence, and all that sort of thing. (This typewriter is in a vile temper this morning!)
You are quite right to withhold information about your Work; but (as the villain said) Mark me, a time will come! I may say, however, that intellectual work is definitely higher than emotional. You have got to analyse yourself most intimately before you synthesize again.
666: yes, I am the Beast. The various correspondences are given in Eq[uino]x 1. 8. Suppl. p. 57. It is The Sun. I am the Lion of the Sun. (Of course there isn't any I about it; 'I' am just one of the things between which and any other thing no difference must be made.)
I don't quite get you 'Is A∴A∴ a part of your Order?' A∴A∴ is the name of our Order. By the way, don't accept anybody's word for connection with us; all genuine Brethren have papers to prove it.
I hope you will take the utmost pains to prepare a full Magical Record on the lines of Liber CLXV in the new Eq[uino]x. You will find it sword and shield in the Big Scrap with Choronzon.
I think you could do a great deal to help us spread the Law in California. I wish I could get out for a month or so if things go as I expect. I might be able to pay a visit in July. Do lay in a million gallons of honest-to-God drink in case; I do so object to these morphia ring people forcing the world to take to dope. (You perhaps know that the missionaries in China are mostly agents of this gang. Opium-smoking does little harm, especially to a Chink. They have made the outcry against it in order to sell their product.)
I have just looked up your symbol. It is important, and very pleasant; but there is a very mysterious element in it which I do not yet understand. Is there a brilliant, active, but rather unstable-minded man in your life just now? Or just lately?—he is shown as going away.
Must close now, this being my busy day; here's to Soon!
Love is the law, love under will.
Aleister Crowley