Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Jane Wolfe




63, Washington Sq.,




June 18, 1919. E.V.



My dear Miss Wolfe,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


To begin at the beginning, birth, you certainly have a remarkable figure. If you were born at 4 A.M., with the Sun exalted in the ninth House, the question arises; did the Sun get scared and take to his heels? For on ordinary days He doesn't get to the ninth house till afternoon!


As a matter of fact, though, you have given yourself away quite hopelessly—if the nod has been as good as the wink to the blind horse. For then I have you not uncharted, but a course eagerly mapped for months; with only a few slight differences. There are some very important cross-currents between your horoscope and mine. It is a splendid nativity; you should certainly do great things.


P.S. I have just got the photographs; I had to break off this letter to attend to less amusing things. And I have to break off again, to fight publishers. But I've time to say this: the pictures confirm my diagnosis to the utmost. Let me say: you have courage, the real kind; and wit, the best of it; and there is a great light ahead of you. I'll write properly to-morrow.


Love is the law, love under will.






