Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones
63, Washington Sq., New York.
Sept. 27, 1919.
My beloved son,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I am enclosing another record. I wish you would send me the entire set as I may want to use them for [Equinox Vol 3] No. 3.
Love is the law, love under will.
Thy sire,
Per 31-666-31 [Leah Hirsig]
Alostra(e)l [Leah Hirsig] (still sympathizing with the grocer, the baker etc., and remembering 777 [Charles Stansfeld Jones] in and out of her prayers).
P.S. Was in hospital for examination. I'm not hopeless, but shall have to take lots of cure for a bit. Will write fully soon.
[Enclosure to above]
9.10 Sat. Sep 27 1919 Frank Sturgis. Lecturer on "Beauty".
Dark—little white specks appear. The specks are like Orion.
Looking up—lighter.
Faint green blotches—almost like grapes—greenish blue like things. Reminds me of little frog's eggs, as seen in frog ponds. Black behind them. They are resting on nothing like clouds.
Centre of sky—figures—fountains with sprays—fluid thicker than water.
All black.
Temptation is to look around—tall grass—prairie grass—designs of vegetation.
A leaden blue sheen in the sky. A.C.'s guess: [I Ching hexagram] 16 or [I Ching hexagram] 20 Actual (meaning Decoration): [I Ching hexagram] 22.