Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Jane Wolfe




c/o Dennes Lamb and Pierce Gould

22 Chancery Lane

London W.C.



[Undated: circa 25 November 1919]



My very dear,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I have yours of Nov 7. I leave Detroit Dec 16 for England Home and Beauty, and I do wish you were coming. But why don't you? I must be in Switzerland in the middle January and shall probably be there all the summer. Then to Tizi-Ouzou! The above address is permanent—so far as human things can be. So keep on merrily writing, or a p.[ost] c.[ard] to say you are coming over to devote yourself to the Great Work.


I am in great shape, having had six weeks working in a nigger gang of lumbermen.


I wish I could see you before I go.


Love is the law, love under will.






