Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones
[Undated: circa December 1919?]
Amusing boy!
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Yes; it's lucky that it is NOT written: Change not so much as the shape of a figure. It seems to be my work; you had your chance, so you can't complain. Colel (but suppose it's a concealed Dryad, or—oh horror!) is down at Montauk, saying a special mantra to invoke Pan to incarnation; I am in a very critical moment of a big Operation. I expect to hear the worst to-day; but will know for certain within a week. If it is successful, the world is safe for democracy, once more. If it is not, it is up to the Gods, again.
I wish you could have found that letter of Whitty [Michael Whitty] (not witty); these people are getting desperate. They have been to Mines with all sorts of stories. You should cultivate Mines. It is very important that you should be in touch with as many people as possible; in another year or so it will be necessary to form subsidiary centres. Mines would be very useful if he were lined up properly; and he reacts against me, to some extent, subconsciously, because of the Pharisees. It's awful to him to think that I might possibly be a cocksucker, as he Yankly phrases it. We have got to purify the minds of these good folk; they can't pass the bogies at the Gate. They worry about 'proving penetration', on the part of a perfect stranger, instead of tackling their own work.
I hear from the West rumours of one Sehloss, presumably a reincarnation of Vernon Castle, visiting Detroit. Have you heard anything of him?
I think Jane Wolfe, 1835, Argyle Avenue, Los Angeles, will be a great help to us. You might note the name, for if I make good on my present plans, it will be up to you to get something done out there.
The Yi King is coming along all the time. I have got to the stage where I can use it with invariable success, or very nearly so. I have hardly had any doubtful answers in the last six weeks. However, there is a big test of its reliability under way; a week or so will show.
You will tell me nothing about O.T.O. It is really a case of bringing this matter to a head; why don't you try firm correctness? I do wish I could be sure that you never mix up the Way of the Tao with 'letting things drift'. That business should have been taken vigorously in hand the day I left Detroit. People nearly always knuckle under when you speak authoritatively. Please reflect that the whole of our Work is at stake; the new Equinox has just got to appear on the proper day.
Love is the law, love under will.
Thy sire,
Will send you your sleeping bag to you next week: very many thanks for the loan.