Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Jane Wolfe
7 Dec. 1919
My love
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Yes, love waits for you at the end of the journey, but is there an end, and what is love?
I accept your word that you will come to me in June. I don't know yet where I shall be at that time: but you shall have a better by the end of April to make a definite appointment. Make your plans so that you can reach Paris or Algiers by June 21. You are Jane, the Sun-Moon in that season—it's the same name as Diana.
I hope to leave N.Y. on the 16th for Marseilles, and my address, up to Feb. 10 at least, will be
c/o Mrs. Buscher 18 Tivolistrasse Lucerne Switzerland
My soul will be with you oftentimes sufficiently for you to know it.
I am definitely busy getting away—and a little sad that you are not with me now.
But I am singing.
Do you love me, Jane?
Love is the law, love under will.