Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Jane Wolfe




c/o Dennes Lamb & Pearce Gould

22 Chancery Lane

London W.C.

till Xmas


c/o Mrs. Buscher

18 Tivolistrasse

Lucerne Switzerland

till Jan 21. Then the London address again.



Dec 14/19





Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I make up my mind slowly, but when I have done so, I act quickly. Behold me steaming out of New York Harbour! I have yours of Dec 5. You miss one thing: me. It only needs a touch to switch the light on when the machinery is ready. You'll spring full-armed, [illegible] from the brain of Jove.


I understand perfectly. Never mind what lies in store for us; the thing is to get things going.


I shall expect to see you on June 21 next year; and I will send you careful directions in good time.


The High Gods watch over your sweet soul!


Love is the law, love under will.




The Beast 666.


