Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Jane Wolfe
c/o Dennes Lamb & Pearce Gould 22 Chancery Lane London W.C.
Xmas [1919]
My darling Janet
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Here I am safely at home. Not only has the war changed nothing in this house of my aunt's where I have roosted, but they haven't altered the position of a piece of furniture since Queen Victoria came to the throne.
I expect to be around London or Paris in June. I should really like to meet you in the Great Court at Trinity.
Of course Algeria holds Tizi-Ouzou but I don't think we can go there till the autumn. I'm very upset about the Equinox, when I allow myself to think of it. One gets nowhere by thus everlasting self-sacrifice. That was all right in the past Aeon, and have clung to the stupidity because it seemed noble, and a guarantee of good faith, so to speak. Now I'm through the initiation of a Magus—nine years of spiritual Helen Holmes stuff. And the next thing, please?
I'm rather looking to some one to show me.
Love is the law, love under will.
The Beast