Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones





Towards Lucerne.



Boxing Day.

[26 December 1919]



My beloved Son,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Great voyage: greater to be in a free and civilized country. I had hardly realized what hell America is: must be worse now I'm gone. No wonder they saw it in the astral for Dec 17!


Nothing much has changed in England; what few things appear so are regarded as temporary and superficial. I had good sources of information, Cabinet Ministers, Quakers, Soldiers, Whores, etc, and my observation confirms their report. Prices are high, but nothing like your Hell.


I am seeing my sojourn in perspective: the period from my landing to the Triumph of Babalon was just 31 Chokmah-Days. My first sterling expenditure was 1/3.


I believe you'll be able to go ahead now. Please tell everyone you meet that I inquired after them particularly by name, with my blessing. [illegible] astrally.


It appears that my nest magical work depends on Our Lady [Leah Hirsig] coming to join me. Meanwhile, non-attachment and Silence be my Work!


Love is the law, love under will.


Thy sire,




