Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Jane Wolfe
[on the stationary of: Eton Lodge, Outram Road, Croydon]
Dec 28 [1919]
Janet o'mine,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I've been thinking of future practical things, and divining], and it would be a very good plan if you could get a contract for an expedition to take pictures in the Congo "[illegible] Africa" or some such place where there are picturesque natives and wild game and so on.
Of course Central Asia is my regular beat, but I doubt if I could do that any more unless my leg becomes sounder than I think.
I've led two Himalayan expeditions, walked across Spain, China, the Sahara Desert etc (Why not "The Garden of Allah" or " [illegible]" and lots of big game shooting.
If you could make some arrangement of this sort, it would solve two very important practical problems out of hand, besides being an ideal condition for the Work.
I want you, too, to get Asana very well advanced, and Pranayama. Also please don't, on any account, allow yourself to get messages, directly or indirectly from anybody; or attempt any 'astral' work. I want you a very steady, normal, sane, human person for our Beginning.
Love is the law, love under will.
The Beast