Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones





March 2. [1920]



My beloved Son,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Yours of Dec 29 now to hand. By March 31 we shall be at Cephalú—en route for Tizi-Ouzou after the Solstice; so write me:


c/o Banca Commerciale Italiana

Palermo Sicily


31-666-31 [Leah Hirsig] produced a baby last Thursday (Feb 26 11.5 A.M. true time. Fontainebleau) No ephemeris here, But rising; so Twins was right after all! Name Anu Léa. Nickname Poupée. A.L.P.


Nother hitch; nother baby coming, Hope—Vive la France! We'll repopulate the damn place in no time.


Your baby sister has not got your nose—is this an irremediable defect? Never mind; your Crest's all right!


I'm sorry, but I can't take any interest in [illegible] in Dippy Detroit—Fontainebleau presents slight differences even to the naked eye. No sex! No occultism! No business!


Love is the Law, Love under Will.


Thy Sire




To all, Greeting and Peace!


Enclosed for Russell [C. F. Russell].


