Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones





Sir Aleister Crowley.

c/o Banca Commerciale Italiana

Palermo Sicily.



March 3. [1920]



My beloved Son,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Will you please send to Frank Harris 40 Seventh Avenue New York City, as full details as possible of my life (including travels etc) and work. He wants to do a "Contemporary Portrait" of me. You would do me and the Work a great service by taking a little trouble over this. It seems as if we were to start a real Monsalvat Temple of the Graal. I intend to stay in Sicily until the end of June, thence go, by Dionicinatiou's artful aid, to the Holy Place in the Mountain. I shall write a sort of story to serve as a Prospectus, and collect some Free Men and Women to serve as a Foundation of the Kingdom of Ra Hoor Khuit.


There seems not much news since my last—one can't have a baby every week, I suppose. I heard from Mrs. Van B[runt]. Your fine correctness rather frightened her away. It's hard, damned hard, to do Yoga in a shithouse like Toledo, no doubt. I'll cure these people. I wish Boroman would come over as medical officer. He's all right. I think [Frank] Lodge is the spirochaete in that gang. Well, we don't have to worry about Lodge in Cephalú—I hope another year will fix things so that you can pay us a visit. Frank Harris may be helpful to that end.


Love is the Law, Love under Will.


Thy Sire,


The Beast.


Love to all homnibus house volunteers.


