Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Jane Wolfe




c/o Bauca Commerciale Italiana

Palermo Sicily



March 3. [1920]





Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Your letters of Jan 16 and 18 just to hand—it is delightful to think of you among the great forests, though to my unregenerate sense Fatty Arbuckle hardly adds to the romance! I prefer you 1 2 3 !


It has been perfect here in Fontainebleau—June weather, [illegible] and sleeps in the forest. It's amazing; February is usually a poor month—cold and wet.


[illegible] I have been crying for you—not painfully, but ecstatically. The meaning of all the Beauty of Nature has been you.


I was not born in Scotland. Shakespeare and I both hail from Warwickshire. It's really not very good for the county' they're beginning to be insufferably proud. But you can't blame me.


I don't want you to worry about the future, or even to speculate. Sufficient unto the day—— React simply to every stimulus; don't argue as to whether anything suits some ideal.


No: don't divine: just be silent all round—wait for me to awake the Sleeping Beauty of your Godhead.


I shall be in Cephalú [sic] until the end of June. It's 40 miles or so from Palermo on the N. coast. You can get a boat direct from New York to Naples or some other place fairly near; and I would meet you there or in Palermo if you will send me a cable on sailing telling me the name of the Boat and the ports of debarkation. Naples would be a good place to meet, because of certain magical matters.


Love is the law, love under will.


Thy Beast.


