Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Jane Wolfe




c/o Bauca Commerciale Italiana

Palermo Sicily



March 17/20



My best beloved, my Jane, my Moon and Sun.


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I'm too busy packing to write very fully in answer to yours of Saint Valentine's Day. Read Casaubon's edition of Dee: You'll see how [illegible] by the spirits were misinterpreted by being taken an pied de la lettre.


'Japan' does not mean the Pacific Islands commonly so designated; it means something which you will only understand when game.


Now here is what the Yi King says about where we are to meet—(1) what direction of the compass from Palermo? S.E. or S.W. i.e Tunis or Algiers; not Naples. Algiers? of i.e. No. Tunis? of 'a bird' but No again. "Bou-Saada"? (This is a place almost due S.W. of Palermo, a place in the Desert.) of Great! our very Moon of Sun symbol, the perfect attainment. That might to settle it. Be there on June 25, and you'll find (to your surprise, if you're very innocent in Magick) that you're in Japan, too. The Englishman Joperals—grand old Saxon family, the Joperals!—will be explained, too.—Oh dear I feel so helpless with regard to you; I know you're IT—and I'm afraid of losing you through your bad training in interpretation of Vision. No, I'm not afraid: you be at Bou-Saada—90 miles or so south from Algiers—on the 25th of June, and the Work will begin. Bou-Saada, by the way, is the place where I got my grade of Master of the Temple three times seven half-years before our Rendezvous.


Love is the law, love under will.




The Beast 666.


