Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Frank Bennett
Villa Santa Barbara, Cefalu, Sicily
May 7, 1920
Very Illustrious and very dear brother,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I was very glad to have your letter of February 7. The above will be my address for the next year. I hope Brother Ross will come and see me personally. I am in a sort of retirement which I intend to make permanent; but I want all the people who are anxious to devote themselves to the Great Work to use my centre as a place of operation. The conditions here are ideal in all respects. I may probably move on to Algeria for a final retirement next year. I expect to go and look for a centre some time during June.
Love is the law, love under will.
With our paternal benediction, Yours, in the bonds of the order,
[Elevenfold Cross] Baphomet X° O.T.O. I.I. et O.B.
P.S. I notice you say that you have some money on hand. You were very wise not to send it to America with the price of the dollar what it is. You could however send it to me direct, by buying a draft on Palermo, Banco Commerciale Italiana, as the Lira is very cheap. I want to establish a printing press in this place as soon as funds are available.