Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
307 Howard Street, Apartment 10, Detroit, Mich.
June 3, 1920
My Beloved Father,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I find myself in the same position as you did, viz.: I have to answer two letters at once, and, it’s a hell of an effort at that, However—
I don't know whether Mrs. Van Brunt will make up her mind to visit you, or not. She has been very helpful in spreading the Law in Toledo, and has arranged for a nice little Qabalah class for me to look after every fortnight, besides making it possible for me to lecture on "The Occult Message of the New Aeon" before quite a nice little crowd. She is a very good sort, and, by the by, sends you all kinds of greetings.
I haven't seen much of 156 until the last week. She is getting a lot of visions, which, I understand, she records, and had sent some details to you. I think what you said about the gods' limitations may very likely be true. Funny thing, the O.T.O. seems to get it in the neck all round. There must be a reason. By the by, I am now one of the 'orthodox' in addition to my other troubles.
You are very right about being consciously free, and sub-consciously enslaved. I think that is the big trouble in most instances, and your explanation may make it easier to explain and therefore to overcome.
I think Russell [C. F. Russell] is preparing to join you in September, and I told him what you wanted him to bring.
I haven't heard a word about or from Cowie [George MacNie Cowie], either. Cannot find Hammond's [Benjamin Charles Hammond] address here and all the old letters are in storage. Very sorry.
Next lap.
When you talk about your bowels moving, it reminds me of a very encouraging statement in one of the lavatories here, "Here everyone holds his own." We're just holding our own it seems, but I just as soon someone else held it for me sometimes. I'm as tired as hell.
I have not seen [David] Ross yet, his wife seems to have been ill since their arrival in America, and he is staying in Montclair, N.J. I've written him.
Glad to hear there may be a few Equinoxes over, though, if there's duty and carriage to pay, God knows what will happen. Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] and I will probably market as many as possible direct. I'm of the opinion the USB [Universal Book Stores] is nearly a gone coon. Will let you know the details later. I am swatting at an Accountancy Course so as to try and be in a better position to do things. It's a big strain though, in addition to other things. It's getting hot, so I'll get a rest from lecturing for a couple of months, thank Heaven. We seem to be having a spell of DRYNESS, it's time I held my own again and watered the garden, so Au revoir.
Love is the law, love under will.
Thy son,