Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones





Villa Santa Barbara,

Cefalú, Sicily.



July 12, 1920.



My beloved son,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


You seem to be reflecting the local dryness. I'm having a good time. The Gods seem to be working overtime. Through various miscarriages of letters, Jane Wolfe went to Bou Saada, expecting to find me. However, Nemo was there. That aught to be quite a little initiation for her, especially as Bou-Saada at this time of the year is one of the half dozen hottest places on the planet. I am very interested in [David] Ross. I wonder if he expects to AbraMelin with a wife on the premises. Please note that AbraMelin hesitatingly permits a wife, but in his day a wife was merely a domestic animal. Mathers thought that now she is no longer that, she should be helpful to the Magician, but it seems to me to be quite the other way round. A disturbing influence is only the worse for being sympathetic and intelligent. Please give my love to everybody.


I am too gloriously serene in the Abbey [Abbey of Thelema] to give myself a pain in the neck by contemplating too insistently the Qliphoth into whose Hell you are trying to bring the symbol of initiation.


I am sending you Part I of a little paper I have written on our Elixir. I propose to spend the next hour or so in preparing Part 2, which may follow in due course.


Love is the law, love under will.


Thy sire,




P.S. You might do worse than start to compile a list of the silly questions people ask you, and set against them the place in the Equinox where the answer is to be found. This could be used in your selling campaign.


