Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to L.V. Jefferson
December 12, 1920
Collegium ad Spiritum Sanctum, Cefalú, Sicily
Mr. L. V. Jefferson, South Hill Street, bet. 40th and Santa Barbara Streets Los Angeles, California.
My dear L.V.:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
We here should like to place before Californians, in a larger and more public way, that which is founded on "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law," the ascertaining of the true Will of the individual, and following it, "Every man and woman is a star"—making everyone unique, independent, supreme and sufficient—love, joy, music, and dancing being the birthright of all—and destroying the delusion of Original Sin.
The Law of Thelema offers a religion which fulfills all necessary conditions.
The A∴A∴, or Great White Brotherhood, through Whom this Law was obtained, is a Body of the highest Initiates, pledged to aid Mankind. The work, Scientific Illuminism; the motto, "The method of Science; the aim of Religion."
There are many books and publications concerning this Work, the English stock is to the value of possibly $125,000. These we should like handled by competent person in Los Angeles. A liberal commission is allowed, and I am writing to ask if you could and would handle this matter, if you find yourself in a position to do so.
For your further enlightenment, there will be sent you from Detroit Book 4, parts 1 & 2, instructions for the aspirant. And I enclose herewith Liber LXI vel Causae, as you some time ago told me that A.C. had "prostituted the rituals"—or was it "published" you said? Published, see Liber LXI, par 16. You will understand from this why "P" is not liked in certain quarters.
A.C. was accused of publishing rituals of G.D. [Golden Dawn]. But G.D. is only the name of the Outer Order of A∴A∴, and A.C. acted by direct command of the Secret Chiefs.
Is this sufficient information, or can I enlighten you further? And, if you find this undertaking impossible, is there any one you would care to recommend?
Love is the law, love under will.