Correspondence from Albert W. Ryerson to Leah Hirsig





January 14, 1921



Ryerson Building,

The Albert W. Ryerson Estate Co.

144-150 West Larned Street,

Detroit, Michigan.



Collegium ad Spiritum Sanctum,

Cefalú, Sicily.



Gentlemen: Attention Leah Harcourt [Hirsig]


We have your letter of December 10th and are glad to note that Mr. Crowley has been successful in selling the books.


We were chiefly interested from the standpoint of assisting Mr. Crowley rather than as a profitable venture. The handling of his literature with us has been, unfortunately, more or less of a liability than an asset, owing to prejudice, which, as you know, is largely unwarranted.


We would like to make a suggestion to the effect that we would be glad to exchange with you a large portion of our stock of Equinoxes [Equinox Vol. III, No. 1] which we have on hand for some of the literature in your stock. In other words, let us know if you could supply us with some complete sets of Equinoxes, and if you will take in exchange for them some Equinoxes which we have on hand of the last edition. We would also be willing to exchange with you for odd volumes of Equinoxes volume for volume or take equal value of any saleable books in your stock other than Equinoxes which would enable us to convert some of our present stock into cash, now dead on our hands because of overstock.


Let us know by return mail how many sets or odd volumes of Equinoxes you can supply us with, also what literature you can exchange with us for our Equinoxes.


Yours very truly,




A. W. Ryerson Pres.



[handwritten note by Crowley:] "You might find exchange worth while; we could do with a few. 666" and "I think this man can be cured—in the end—if you work right."


