Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
May 8, 1921
Most Beloved Father in the Lord,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
It was with much pleasure that I received your communication of April 19th 1921 E.V. but I am very sorry if through any negligence on my part you should have waited in vain for news from me. I assure you that I am under the impression that all communications had been answered, but sense, as you surmised, I have left Detroit for Chicago during the intervening period, there may have been some mix up.
As requested I have written to the Editor of the paper you mention placing a subscription for the magazine, which I will forward on receipt and in future from here.
I must confess there is little to report in the nature of definite progress as far as organization of the movement is concerned. I left Detroit for Chicago under the impression that this would be a better centre of operations for the Great Work. At the same time the change meant business conditions and arrangements and most of my time is occupied for a little while in establishing a branch office for the firm I was working for in Detroit in order that my bread and butter be assured. In addition to this I seem to again be in the throes of some Ordeal of Initiation and the Way is yet dark. But you know how these things work out and who knows what may be the result?
Therefore I crave your Blessing and that of the Most High.
Love is the law, love under will.
Ever Fraternally in the Bonds of the Order,