Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley







Kingdom of R.[a] H.[oor] K.[huit].



June 245 1921 E.V.

(Letter drafted June 13th 1921 E.V.)





Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Know, O my Prophet that there is much cause for rejoicing in regard to the Establishment of the Kingdom of Ra Hoor Khuit in this His Sphere and that there have already appeared certain signs in this Material World whereby we may, as it were, see some proof of success.


It has appeared that the Woman is girt with a sword before me. Her emotion having to a large extent been overcome by clarity of perception, she hath been placed on the throne of the Mother. Blood has flowed to my name, so that the very courses of the Moon have twice changed (and that without [illegible], without embrace.) She hath divined daily in our Holy book of Thoth, and He poureth forth Mezla also there hath appeared a certain fixed Mercury like unto the Universal Mercury, or it may be Neptune. Also the Antient hath awakened, and in His soul is a certain crystalline dew, which is, the Double Mercury of our Antient B[lessed] b[rethren], and the sign of the Wand of Double Power.


She hath divined in our Holiest Books of Thelema and therewith obtained she this Verse at first. Liber VII Chapter IV Verse 25. "Then was the countenance of all time darkened, and the true light shone forth". Therewith, within ten minutes as the people count time did the Golden Dawn appear in the North, flooding the City of Chicago with Its Light so that all might behold (even wireless was out off), as it is written in Liber CCXXXI, "Then the holy one appeared in the great Water of the North; as a golden dawn did He appear, bringing benediction to the fallen universe". Also therefore has the rosy light appeared in the Grail of our Lady Babalon.


Also the mouth of Asi has been upon the mouth of Asar.


Know also, that the hearts of the people have been filled with our Joy so that they talk freely of the Holy Mysteries without spoken word from Us, yea, they expound the Law of Thelema in public gatherings and in their homes, but know not yet its source.


Also the school-teachers wonder at the changed in their children and seek a solution behind closed doors for this epidemic of adolescence, we alone can explain.


Therefore may these manifest signs be a sacrament unto Thee, and Blessing and Worship be unto the Beast and unto His House 4 8 the reward of R.H.K.


Know also that proof of the extent of this Current is now to hand from both Vancouver and Sicily. Certain flowers in the former Valley have blossomed after five years of silence and darkness in a marvelous manner.


Love is the law, love under will.


