Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
June 24th 1921 E.V. Sanctuary of the Gnosis Valley of Chicago.
Unto the Grand Master BAPHOMET,
Greetings and Peace.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
It has been deemed advisable by Us that our Agape Lodge be visited and reported upon, for we feel at this time a new current will be running there.
Thus you will find herewith a copy of our Authority to R.W. Brother W.T. Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] to undertake this present duty.
Since Brother S.[mith] departed from this Valley, letters from Vancouver show that our surmise was correct, and that on his arrival conditions will be such as to give him an opportunity of showing his true worth, since the B[lessed] b[rethren] there are ripe for further advancement, filled with a new and divine energy.
We have also in mind to establish Lodges here and already have selected several suitable for R.W.N.'s each already having a following of his own. Thus time will be saved in the establishment of our O.T.O. system.
It is thought eventually to establish our headquarters in the Edgewater Beach Hotel, it having the true formation of Eden, and of the Place which hath 4 Gates (of which more later). We find all things ready to our hand, by this way of the Tao, for it is written "There is No Law above Do what thou wilt."
We have already established as our Kaaba for the Summer, quarters at the Somerset Hotel, there our Secretary lives. She is a woman of extraordinary business ability, used to large campaigns, and of long experience, yet has readily accepted the Law, and is devoting her time to our service instead of going to Russia on a certain mission. She has the most complete details of reorganization of social and economic matters on organic lines, and will be an invaluable aid also as a lecturer.
Love is the law, love under will.