Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley





June 30th 1921E.V.





Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


I have received your two letters, one relative to the Abbey, Rubina [Rubina Stansfeld Jones], Fuller [J.F.C. Fuller] etc. and the other to 718. Many thanks.


I quite realize the position, and am striving manfully to clean up the situation for all of us. There appears much hope of Success, but meanwhile all is intense activity. Next Sunday's Lecture will decide certain things, our resources have been taxed to the utmost to get so far. But there is no doubt in my mind as to the ultimate proof.


I will consider all you say and may be write more fully, when the rust is over, if it ever is. The enclosed has gone to the printer to-day. Also I am making appeals for true support in every quarter.


To change the subject, you may be surprised to notice how we have been destined to this work since birth and the indications clearly given then. For instance, though please do not mention the matter yet, She who is AHBH, the result of my Invocations to our Lady Nuit, bears the given name Leota. LEO. TA, the essence of Leo, and through her I have discovered the true Double Mercury of IX. Again, the letters of TAO and EL, very significant. Her other name refers to Wagnerian Mysteries just as clearly. But the Stansfeld Motto is "Know Thyself" what about ST-A-NSF-EL-D. Fuller in the centre gave be the true lead of the Breath, so that I discovered the Air is His Balance, EL. Then I got A, My Covenant, Then I got D Love, AHBH through 13, and finally from you the mystery of ST. JONES is quite interesting as the Young John, but also ION and E.S. E, Aries, S.Sagit. Birth and Rising Sign. Charles works almost as well, with CH, 418 at the beginning, and meaning Brave, a Warrior. My Mother's name Marshall MARS-HALL the House of Mars. Mare Ruler of Aries, 418 House. Her crest is the Arrow descending through a coronet. The descending arrow, even as Sag. is the asc.


Surely, we have been led by grave paths, and our destiny writ clear about us.


Love is the law, love under will.


Please note his 'child' Liber 220 I. is indicated by AUM which follows and is 111 Aleph.


