Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley





July 3rd 1921E.V.



Most Holy Father in the Lord,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


Your very loving letters of June 19th 1921 E.V. came to hand last night, and encouraged me very much. Thank you, my Father, for calling me your son, and for your promise of a Charter of O.T.O. which I hope I shall never disgrace.


This has been a day, long looked for, and, I am glad to say of great, almost unexpected, success. At Eleven this morning, I gave the first of a series of lectures on the Teachings of the New Aeon, at the Edgewater Beach Hotel, and despite the heat and the holiday season, the Auditorium was crowded, and a very fine vibration established. It is my aim to make this Hotel our headquarters in the near future, meanwhile we have a Kaaba at the Somerset Hotel, which is a fine place, but not quite so good as the other. I see the necessity of getting some of our publications widely distributed, especially the new comment on Liber Legis by the Master T.[herion] and also an entirely new interpretation recently delivered to me during my last Great Initiation. I feel confident these will prove the Keys to the World situation, they are of transcendent importance, I have boldly made an appeal for funds for this purpose, and am giving classes on the lesser Mysteries with the same end in view. I have tried a new method of solving the financial situation, that of reciprocal service. I hope to establish lodges in the fall, and we have many new AA Students etc. The psychological time seems to have arrived for the Great Work to proceed here, and I have every confidence in Those Who are guiding Us in the Work.


I'm sorry I used the wrong address, and this applies to the magazines I sent you, I trust you will receive them safely.


With every good wish, and once more thanking you for your fatherly kindness.


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours in the Bonds of the Order,


