Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Theodor Reuss









[Undated: 3 July 1921]



Beloved Father in the Lord,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


I have to thank you for the honour you have conferred upon me by your special Charter, which I received yesterday. Enclosed you will find the Pledge and Acknowledgement of receipt of Laws of O.T.O.


I am in hopes that Chicago will prove very receptive to the principles of the Order, and it is my intention to get things on a working basis as soon as possible. I think it will be a good plan to start an American Grand Lodge for Blue Degrees under the title of "Zodiac Lodge" and select suitable people as Masters of other Lodges to be names Aries, Taurus etc.


It would be helpful if you see fit to send me copies of "The esoteric instruction" papers of and the History of the Templars of the VI° also I should like the Order's explanation of the seals.


I am very interested in your special Seal, especially as I observe a certain attribution of the Sun and Moon conjoined in Solomon, which I had not noticed before. The Three, seven and twelve of the R.C. and other Mysteries are apparent, but what interests me most is whether in addition to the Microcosmic attribution to the Moon as enclosing all, you would suggest a Macrocosmic correspondence? viz: the Universe as an enclosed Sphere? Certain higher states of consciousness recently attained have led me to give much consideration to this matter, although my comments thereon are not yet completed.


We have had another and larger attendance at this mornings lecture. Last weeks was quite successful and we are arousing much interest, and some veiled opposition. We have, what those who have lived long in Chicago think, the most representative audiences that have turned out at any time for this sort of thing, despite a temperature of nearly 100° and holiday season.


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours in the Bonds of the Order,


