Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
July 5th 1921E.V.
Our second meeting was a success this morning, the work was better than on Sunday, though we did not get so many people, being a week day and just after July 4th. It is wonderful what a response we are getting with a temperature of about 100°, and so many people away.
Our reciprocal service proposition is already bearing fruit. Mostly offers of help, but they are not to be sneezed at. One offer of 160 acres of land in California. (By the way I forgot to tell you we have two five year oil leases, and one clear lot in the central part of the Oklahoma Oil fields, and some day this may mean a fortune.)
The Rituals went splendidly. The cool marble floor and the Black Cat Auditorium, feels good to the bare feet, and the spacious place, with night sky blue ceiling and oriental surroundings is delightful. We have got people going. Our Sunday meeting comprised, I find, the most representative audience ever known in Chicago. Heads of all the important movements Occult and otherwise.
My Director, Mrs Ford. Vice President of the International Society of Applied Psychology, has come over to the cause wholeheartedly. She is experienced in campaigns. She will negotiate immediately for the Blackstone Theatre, the most luxurious in town, for Sunday mornings in the fall. I think if all goes well we shall fill it. It seats 1200.
Money is not coming fast, but there are indications and the widow's cruise, is just holding out under the strain.
Send my blessing, we may get things stirred up yet.
Love is the law, love under will.
As ever,