Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Theodor Reuss
July 8th 1921 E.V.
Beloved Father in the Lord,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
In answering your last letter I failed to make any comment of your advice in regard to the Gnosis. As far as the cumulative results of the operation is concerned, I found this to be so in 1917 at the completion of a series of 91 practices. At that time all the results seemed to come at once and a big Initiation with them.
It has recently seemed to me that there may be, as it were, a further secret in respect of a certain pure crystalline dew or double Mercury which may be obtained in minute quantities if properly distilled. Give me good counsel of this O my Father as to whether there is a special method of admixture in such a case, or whether in itself alone it be efficacious.
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours in the Bonds of the Order,