Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley





Sanctuary of

the Gnosis.

Chicago. Ill.



July 28th 1921E.V.

P.O. Box 141. Chicago.



To His Most Sacred Majesty Baphomet

Grand Master O.T.O. Ireland Iona &

All the Britains.





Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


You may remember that I told you some months ago I wrote to the Frater Superior of the Order [Theodor Reuss], requesting that he grant me a Certificate of the A & A Scottish Rite etc. in order the better to enable me to deal, if necessary, with Masonic matters in this Country, and he replied that owing to the uncertain outcome of the Convention then about to be held, the matter should remain in abeyance for the time being.


I have recently received, without further request, a Charter for the United States of America, a copy of which I enclose. It would appear from this that the U.S. does not in his opinion come under your Charter for Free and Independent Great Britain and Ireland, and it appears to me that this is to replace the Authority he intended to give Mc B.T., or is what Mc B.T., or is what Mc B.T. desired to obtain but did not succeed. The matter seems complicated, but it leaves me no alternative that I can see, but to work under this new Charter in this Country, should it be deemed desirable to establish Lodges here. I notice that you refer to Yourself always as Past G.[rand] M.[aster] U.S.A. & in order to avoid confusion, I should like your expression on the matter. The Deputy G.M. document you gave me does not seem to cover this Country in any event according to the wording so I take it Parzival is Grand Master for U.S.A. and Dep Grand Master for Ireland Iona and all the Britains; is that your understanding of the matter?


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours in the Bonds of the Order,


