Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley





August 24th 1921 E.V.





Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


I have two suggestions to make which may possibly prove useful.


(1) There have been two very interesting moving pictures here "The Cabinet of Dr. Cagligari" and "The Golem", both of a more or less magical character, both quite original and unusual, both with strange scenery and costumes of a more or less cubist type or shall I say "New Art" type reminding one somewhat of Roehlich or your own work. These were produced, I understand, in Germany and I have written to the American Paramount Producers requesting the address and name of the chief actor. It occurred to me that your "Butterfly Net" [Moonchild] and some of your other work might be of great interest to such a company, also that you might give directions for new types of scenic effects. I really think this may prove a splendid opportunity, if you communicate with them.


(2) I hear that Paul Carus left a large publication fund, but do not know if this is true. I should suggest that instead of my approaching Mrs. Carus at this time, you write up a nice little article on Paul Carus as you knew him, and then write to her and send it in for publication in one of the Open Court Papers, thus opening the way for the acceptance of further work and possibly getting some of our things published by them.


I had a letter from New Zealand where lives a man interested in the Work, Named Vivian H.R. Deacon [Vyvyan Deacon]. He knew Bennett [Frank Bennett] but disagreed on some little matter. He asked for your address, which I supplied. He gave some interesting details of conditions in N.Z. and seems intelligent. He also makes the following remark about Brother Bennett which I quote as of possible interest from an outside source. "Of course you know that Frank Bennett is deeply earnest, but thoroughly incompetent, he simply marks time and makes no real progress. He is letting the whole thing go to Hell so far as Australia is concerned". I guess he will have a new energy after his visit to [the Abbey of Thelema in] Sicily anyway. Better perhaps find put from Bennett what the trouble was with this man. I have asked my brother in Wellington to investigate him and let me know if he appears a useful person.


I thought Bro. Bennetts work very fair. Earnest and faithful. Some-what prejudiced at times. Qabalah a bit muddled. Astral journeys undertaken in a wrong manner, not by scientific methods. Concentration not definite enough. Faithful to the O.T.O. work, possibly at the expense of his own Work, but this rather to be commended than not. Probably thought himself further along the Path then he really was. Hampered by lack of general education.


Love is the law, love under will.


As ever,


